Carey "Trip" Giudici

Archive for October, 2009|Monthly archive page

Say it. Now!

In Uncategorized on October 25, 2009 at 12:55 pm
Image by albyper via Flickr

The good news is that people are listening to what you have to say.

The bad news: they are very impatient and value driven.

Search engines are seeking ways to monetize real time search. That means search result pages will include individual Tweets and other micromessages.

The first thing a stranger knows about you may be the 140 characters you just posted. But it will only appear on the results page if that post is rich with relevance, proof, value.

Connect with millions of new people. Begin writing micromessages that show you’re unique and authentic–and have no intention of wasting their time.

Of course each must also be extremely clear, concise and compelling.

Start building your core message, your Mantra, today. And learn how to communicate it, one iPhone screen at a time.

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Crowds Haven’t Changed, Really…

In Uncategorized on October 3, 2009 at 11:30 am
Cover of "Crowds and Power"
Cover of Crowds and Power

In the early 1960s, as I was heading into teenage confusion, my mother told my twin brother and me about a new book, Elias Canetti‘s Crowds and Power–advertised at the time as “the thinking man’s guide to reality.”

I have to smile, remembering that fifty years ago Canetti noted that a crowd “wants to grow,” is based on “equality,” “loves density” and “needs a direction.”  His book should be required reading for every marketer.

Only trouble is that nobody reads any more; we scan.

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