Carey "Trip" Giudici

Archive for August, 2009|Monthly archive page

Your content, your leadership, your new community

In Uncategorized on August 24, 2009 at 11:42 am
  • In the age of new media, any community or “tribe” is built on content.
  • Communities grow organically behind a leader with a unique message–
  • A leader who can communicate with powerful content.
  • Building a strong community of followers starts with strong content.
  • Strong content is very clearly written, concise, and compelling.
  • It’s also rich in relevance, proof and value.
  • Unfortunately, no novice can create such content.
  • It takes years of practice to write clearly, concisely, and persuasively.
  • Fortunately, you now know a professional who’ll write that way–and in your voice.
  • Together, we’ll define what’s relevant and valuable to people you want to lead.
  • And what will persuade them they need to join your community.
  • Within a week, we’ll create a core message–your Marketing Mantra.
  • Then start building strong content your new community will grow on.
  • So let’s talk.

Carey Giudici knows content inside and out, and has been networking since before he could walk. Let him help you establish your bona fides as a community leader, building strong connections with powerful and unique content.

Article: Ramadan, Rapture and Business Reinvention

In Uncategorized on August 23, 2009 at 5:04 pm

Working part-time as an ESL teacher helps me see things I’ve always taken for granted in a new light.

I always look forward to having regular conversations about culture and lifestyles with my Turkish students. One day, while discussing the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, I mentioned how hard it must be to fast from dawn to dusk for a whole month. Suddenly one student”s face softened and began glowing like the colorful material in her tightly wound head scarf.

“Oh no, it is not difficult,” she insisted with a rapturous smile. “It is a celebration we wait for all year.”

Unfortunately, many Americans now see their world in a different and much less rapturous light. They’re being forced out of their homes, and struggling to rebuild everything from scratch.

The New York Times has been following the sad saga of one suburban California neighborhood. It’s a typical story of falling home values, growing safety concerns and blighted lawns.

Like millions of other Americans, these people wonder who they can really depend on. And there’s no good answer.

“I have learned that you can’t trust anyone but God,” one woman told the reporter. “Nothing falls from the sky.”

Most small business owners now see their future in a whole new light. They stand alone and unprotected on the front lines of our economic downturn. This is very unfamiliar territory. These men and women started their businesses when credit was easy, and boilerplate marketing was enough to bring in new business.

Today’s small business realities remind me of David Byrne’s old song: “This ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this ain’t no playing around.”

Thinking outside the box is no longer a fun marketing exercise. Your business survival depends on seeing your business in a new light. Can you reinvent your core message, and connect more interactively with your market on new media?

You can regain the “rapture” of entrepreneurship. It will be tougher than sticking to a dawn-to-dusk fast. But it’s time to stop depending on something good falling from the sky . . . and get back to actively growing your business.

Carey C. Giudici has decades of experience in business communications, marketing, and training. This award-winning journalist and poet now helps business owners create innovative marketing and content solutions that work. His warm, inclusive style as a marketing and content coach focuses on real results, real fast and really relevant to business owners and their customers.

Pinpoint Positioning. For Peanuts

In Uncategorized on August 19, 2009 at 1:42 pm

Wouldn’t you love to have a group of skilled and committed pros, helping you ignite your sales and marketing? Here’s the team you should assemble.

  • First, recruit an award-winning journalist so you can have world-class content.
  • Then you’ll want a business trainer, who also has personal experience of running a small business.
  • A seasoned PR guy with media savvy can craft some attention-grabbing campaigns.
  • A creative marketing advisor will build your unique brand and position.
  • Don’t forget a born networker who can help you tap into the power of social media.
  • And finally, get an enthusiastic team builder as personable as your favorite teacher.

How many thousands of dollars do you imagine such a team would cost you?

And what if you could get all of that for just $500?

Marketing in the social media age is different; but it’s still a process that you can master. Let’s get started today. Find out more at

Recent Tweets

In Uncategorized on August 17, 2009 at 3:55 pm
  • Your resume shows you know how to follow. Your intangibles show you aren’t afraid to stand out. Stand out or fade out!
  • Get more returns on your investment in social media with a much stronger message
  • People don’t hire or buy something from a skill set. They hire or buy from people. Build your Brand around YourMarketingMantra
  • Today, brand management isn’t about some prepackaged image. It’s your purpose and fire. Communicate them with a Mantra!
  • Goals are too vague. What’s your intent? Build your brand, and define your approach and attitude today for a great brand
  • The social media age is reshaping our communications, businesses, communities and how we see ourselves. What a ride!
  • I do branding for anyone ready to stop fearing the unknown and start succeeding.
  • Begin changing your world by listening for the right things in the right doorway, and then building your brand.
  • Branding isn’t who you are, it’s why you are you and not me! Build it and they will come.
  • A new article for small business owners, on the front lines of the financial crisis:
  • Do you have a TellTale brand that announces your uniqueness, or merely a copycat brand that trumpets your ordinariness? Enjoy
  • Build your brand like a city http://www.patternlanguage….
  • We spend so much time thinking about companies, governments, associations. All merely convenient fictions. There’s really only people
  • Stopped looking for work? Don’t despair–get a mantra!
  • You are already a leader. That means you have a community of real live people, all trying to grow. What are you doing with that privilege?
  • Does your business have the right balance of unique value and dynamic distribution? Distributing low-value stuff is a poor road to riches.
  • You know what’s uniquely valuable about your business. Does anyone else? How are you telling them? Make it better.
  • Social media= a community built on content. If a leader/business owner doesn’t have quality content, how can their community grow?
  • Content that’s clear, concise and compelling. Autoresponders that tell great stories. Words that could only be from you
  • A podcast interview that discusses the Marketing Mantra:
  • Writing for the web: 1. Put your main point first, in strong and concise language. Draw a word picture or tell a tiny story
    Writing for web 2. Dr. Flesch said to use short words, short sentences, short paragraphs. More true on the web than ever
    Writing for web 3. Make it easy to scan with bullets, one-sentence paragraphs, and emphasis added. Copy Seth Godin‘s style, live long . .
    . . . and write short
  • An effort is its own reward, whatever the outcome. No outcome is certain until that moment when it begins to change your life.
  • Passive aggressive people give off heat but no light; they’re threatened by anyone focused on successful action
  • See how your world really is, and you won’t stop smiling. Worst enemies can bear the best news. Start with who you really are.
  • And everybody gets more than they deserve–of something
  • Fact is we all live on the edge, it’s just that some of us always knew it. Now many are discovering this for themselves.
  • RT from @NicoWiekenberg
  • RT from @muledozer Reward Motivation Accelerates the Onset of Neural Novelty Signals in Humans to 85 Milliseconds
  • There’s poetry in clear, concise and compelling content. Reinvent yourself as a poet, give new energy to your business
  • Need great autoresponder messaging?
  • See how quickly your Tweet disappears off the bottom? That’s how quickly you disappear from prospects’ memory, unless you have a Mantra
  • Just finished adding lots of business-like snap and sizzle to a client’s technical-trainer resume. What a gas!
  • There’s poetry in clear, concise and compelling content. Reinvent yourself as a poet, for new energy to your business
  • How to make more money from your marketing
  • You have a compelling message; why hide your fire in that flabby, derivative content? Your business deserves better
  • “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” — Leonardo da Vinci
  • Are you positioned for success? You need content rich with relevance, proof and value that could only be about you.
  • Can you express what makes your business unique concisely enough to fit into the screen of your iPhone?
  • Success is about a few inches–or a few words. I need only a few words to start bringing clients pinpoint positioning–
  • It seems that only Southerners say “Make yourself useful,” but it’s how I live
  • Stand out or fade out; it’s your choice
  • We spend so much time thinking about companies, governments, associations. All merely convenient fictions. There’s really only people
  • Many competitors have only have one edge over you–how they express themselves. What are you going to do about it?
  • Working on three Marketing Mantra for clients–a total of nine words!
  • You can have pinpoint positioning this week. Without that, where will your business be heading?

Carey Giudici–marketing coach, seasoned copywriter, and trainer–can make every communication clear, concise and compelling. It’s what you need for online marketing success. Start on your future today by visiting

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    Spend Your Income, Not Your Capital!

    In Uncategorized on August 15, 2009 at 6:20 pm

    Economists know that “capital” (what we have that we didn’t create) and “income” (what we have made, that has some value) are different. They warn us of the dangers of spending our capital, because then we diminish something that’s irreplaceable.

    Fossil fuels are the earth’s “capital,” as is the environment and even our neighbors. Using or corrupting them is counterproductive but we often don’t feel there’s much we can do about it.

    And if you think about it, we also possess personal and professional “capital”–they are our innate skills, experiences and even preferences. They  make us unique, and are always valuable to others. We can count on this capital whenever we need to increase our “income.” That’s because such capital is the source of our creativity and resourcefulness.

    The first step is to clearly distinguish your capital from your income. Design a lifestyle and business approach that taps into your capital–the source of your true value and unique inheritance. But don’t fritter away that capital by mixing it up with your income, or what you have made by tapping into your capital.

    Having a Marketing Mantra is a good way of distinguishing your capital from your income. And this is a good day to get started on preserving your capital so it keeps paying dividends for years to come.

    The world hasn’t changed all that much; economic and social principles are the same as always. But the way we communicate now begins with you . . . and how you express your unique values and proposition. Uncover your leader side with content that’s rich in relevance, proof and value. Let’s start this process today!    Carey Giudici,

    Why 3 words?

    In Uncategorized on August 11, 2009 at 2:51 am

    Small is beautiful, clarity is king, uniqueness is your life preserver and nothing is sacred any more.

    Small business marketing today is a matter of the bland leading the blind. Every small business owner should take advantage of new opportunities by coloring outside the lines! Begin by becoming more concise, clear and compelling.

    Together we can build you a unique three-word phrase–your Marketing Mantra. Adapt that for marketing messages and use social media to train or intrigue the largest audience in the world.

    Build on those three words to create ten questions. Those ten questions will frame new subjects for you to share with an appreciative audience. Get a new lease on laughs; more laughs will kanoodle into a new understanding of yourself and your business–outside that oppressive crowd of compeetitors.