Carey "Trip" Giudici

About the 3-word solution

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase

Forget 30 second elevator speeches. In this age of “drive-by communications,” a stranger will only give you 7 or 8 seconds of their time and attention. You need to tell them what makes you unique and authentic in the time it takes you to read your iPhone screen.

Don’t waste precious seconds mentioning your name and your company’s name. Build rapport by communicating your personal qualities and perspective. Then you won’t need scripts, or stale lines you’ve borrowed from other people. And it all starts with a personal Marketing Mantra you can build your brand on.

In just three words, your marketing mantra will prepare you to tell special people what makes you special. Then they will be much more inclined to do business with you or give you an interview.

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