Carey "Trip" Giudici

Is That Yoda In Your Yard?

In Uncategorized on May 25, 2010 at 2:23 pm

Yep, out there playing in the yard or on the verandah. Or maybe elsewhere in your extended family.

But it’s not some wizened old Jedi. This Yoda is still young, brimming with promise and a dream of leading wonderful men and women.

You can help him or her grow into the person they’re capable of becoming. Healthy, independent, resourceful and wise.

The world may dismiss him or her as another preteen kid; too much noise, drama and confusion. But with your help they can change the world.

Make sure this Yoda grows up healthy. Don’t let him or her slip into a pattern of bad habits and self-indulgence, obesity and a lifetime of poor health. Encourage them to take good care of themselves.

And prepare them for a world that needs leadership. Show them how to embrace and celebrate change, not hide from it. Every day a new tool or idea appears that a great leader might use to benefit millions of people. Help them become that leader.

Your job isn’t easy, but it’s simple: show the Yoda in your yard how special they are. Always demonstrate the discipline, inclusiveness and joyful focus that got you this far.

They’re counting on you.  So are we.

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