Carey "Trip" Giudici

Make Every Day A New Business Event!

In Uncategorized on January 25, 2010 at 5:51 pm

Everyone loves to feel special. So you should make prospects, customers, and employees or other stakeholders feel special by turning business transactions into mini-events.

Just remember to “show, don’t tell.” Anyone will happily follow your marketing messages or business information if you make them feel like they’re at a fun “event.”

Here are five ways this kind of Events approach to marketing will help you build business:

1. Success Is In The Details

You might describe your product’s features and benefits in a virtual “breakout session;” or turn details of a process or system into a technical symposium; and of course you should conclude your event with a compelling call to action. Even dry information can be interesting when presented this way. It will be read, not ignored or scanned, and people will come back for more.

2. “Accentuate the positive”

Holding virtual “events” will make it easier to show your appreciation of employees’ hard work, or customers’ business. You can also applaud what matters most to your company; and deliver stories about your business savvy, management skills, and customer service values.

Recognition always pays off. In the social media age, nothing motivates great employees like recognition. And nothing engages customers as powerfully as authentically engaged employees. Invite them all to your virtual “event,” and stand back!

3. Make your message consistent

A consistent business message will increase feelings of comfort, anticipation and even gratitude. It helps build better lists and social media presence. It also attracts more qualified leads and prospects–even when you aren’t actively recruiting.

Building a business campaign or announcement into an event will enable you to make different kinds of information more intriguing, and consistent with your core message.

4. Monetize your business culture

Inviting someone to participate in your event will make them feel special–even excited. It adds intrinsic value to every conversation, and electrifies that call to action. Customer or employee excitement, and that extra value, are bound to show up on your bottom line.

5. Publicity and Market Share

Media folks and other well-connected people are naturally drawn to well planned events. So tap into the promotional value of your digital version with well written press releases, articles, and even special newsletters or autoresponders.

Ready to turn every business conversation or activity into a mini event?

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